What is Truth… and how are you using it? Come explore in small group discussion practical ways to heal your life by the power of thoughts and beliefs, how to find truth as it is written in your heart and how to apply these truths in every area (health, relationships, abundance) of your life.
One of Unity’s beloved metaphysicians, H. Emilie Cady, the first self-employed female doctor of homeopathic medicine, practiced medicine both medically and spiritually. Her book, How I Used Truth, is a series of personal essays that provided a proven metaphysical treatment (resolution) for many of life’s challenging situations. We will use her text as a jumping off point to explore and prove to ourselves that we, too, can be empowered, inspired, healed and prospered.
Sundays (In Person Only) at Unity Atlanta: October 8, 15, 22, 29 and Nov 5, 12 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM in Staff Conference Room
Facilitated by Jan Gurr