Unity Atlanta Church Youth and Family Ministry (YFM)
Dedicated to promoting life-long qualities that support a child’s spiritual and emotional development, as well as create a foundation for mindful living!
Our Focus:
to remind our youth that God is within us, around us, and everywhere present… and that we are loved unconditionally—no matter who we are, or who we love.
Our Purpose:
to support parents seeking a practical approach to spiritual concepts and mindfulness for their children, as well as themselves.
Our mission:
to provide our children with a safe, nurturing, loving sacred space, while learning and applying spiritual principles that can be used in everyday interactions. Teachings are presented from a practical viewpoint that encourages one to expand their existing understanding of their own God experience.
Our teachings empower the youth to live to their Divine Potential.
Tristan Williams –2025 International Youth of Unity Representative
We are so proud to announce Tristan Williams has been selected to serve as an “Indie” for the 2025 International Youth of Unity Rally (I.Y.O.U.).
Indies are Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) teen leaders that have demonstrated outstanding leadership skills. He, along with his co-Indies, are responsible for planning and executing the I.Y.O.U event held each summer at Unity Village. Tristan was selected to represent the Southeast Region by Rev. Ytonna Finnegan, Youth Ministry Regional Consultant.
Tristan has attended Unity Atlanta Church since he was four years old. He has been active in Uniteens and Y.O.U. attending 10+ retreats, rallies, and leadership events. He served as 2023-2024 Regional Representative (“Regie”) for the Southeast Region. In addition, he has planned and co-led teen leadership trainings for Y.O.U. and has served as Family Group Leader at Y.O.U. and I.Y.O.U. rallies.
Tristan, you have earned this through your dedication and desire to expand spiritually. We could not be more proud of you and your accomplishments!
New? Start Here
New to our Beloved Community? We honor and welcome you and your family!
Experience the synergy of our Beloved Community! Connect, meet other families on the path, and become an integral part of Unity Atlanta Church’s Beloved Community.
Register for the youth program here: https://forms.gle/XEmyMKixzaPziosW6
How can we serve you? Email all youth inquiries to: leshey@unityatl.org
Unity Atlanta Church takes the safety of our youth seriously and requires mandatory background checks for all staff and volunteers who work with youth.
Sunday School
Youth Education Wing is Open for Sunday School
Youth Sunday School is held each Sunday at 11:00am for ages 5-18.
Nursery service available 10:00am-12:30pm
Masks are now optional throughout the building.
Power Focus: Order—The intelligence of the Universe expressing through each of us.
Affirmation: My life is balanced and in order, and all is well.
Bible Focus: Proverbs 16:9—We can make plans, but the Lord determines our steps.
Fall Youth Series—-May The Force Be With You
May The Force Be With You is a Reel-to-Real movie inspiration series based on the movie trilogy Star Wars for children, preteens, and teens.
This series will focus on spiritual themes about the hero/heroine’s journey from self-doubt to transformation. Through our journey we will learn how extraordinary things can happen in ordinary lives when we focus on the forces of light rather than forces of darkness.
Parents: Please sign Reel-to-Real permission slip when you sign your child in. A lesson scope is available.
September 8–Introduction to the Star Wars Series
Lightsaber Activity
September 15—Divine Discontent (Explores polarity of feelings)
September 29—You Are Looking Right at It! (Explores viewing life from your spiritual lens)
Unikids (For Ages 5-10)
UNI-Kids is our elementary school group for grades 6th-8th. They meet with their YFM teacher each week with a focus on:
Basic Unity Principles and Metaphysical Teachings
- Prayer
- Meditation
- Affirmations
- Biblical Readings
- Uplifting Songs
- Crafts and Connection Activities
Family Event Idea For Youth and Families
From Leshey Williams, Director of Youth and Family Ministries:
I always anticipated the July Fourth holiday. The holiday marked a week filled with hanging with my cousins and spending the holiday at the lake. Many fun memories of loving on my family! Although I don’t get to the lake much these days, I still find time to enjoy being near water during the holiday.
Over the years I have enjoyed West Gwinnett Park. My favorite is the lazy pool! Check out all the amenities West Gwinnett Park has to offer, and I will see you poolside!
Uniteen (For Ages 11-13)
UNI-Teen is our middle school teen group for grades 6th-8th. They meet with their youth Sponsor each week to explore:
Unity Principles • Metaphysical Teachings • Spiritual Leadership Development
- Biblical Readings
- Prayer and Meditation
- Opportunities to serve the community
- Development of spiritual leadership skills
- Weekend Retreats and Outings
Youth Of Unity (Y.O.U.) (Ages 14-18)
The Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) is an international youth group for grades 9th-12th whose purpose is to help youth demonstrate their Christ Light. Our Youth Sponsors encourage and nurture our teen’s spiritual growth with a focus on putting spiritual principles into practical practice.
Unity Principles • Metaphysical Teachings • Spiritual Leadership Development
- Biblical Readings
- Prayer and Meditation
- Opportunities to serve the community
- Development of spiritual leadership skills
- Weekend Retreats and Outings
Wednesday Nights with Y.O.U.
What: Monthly Mid-week Spiritual Session
When: First Wednesday of each month
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm EST via Zoom
Who: Youth ages 14-18 (9th -12th grade)
Zoom Link/Information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81301746730?pwd=OGJrbzFCOCtPcUJjTTFXdG9nemE3UT09 Meeting ID: 813 0174 6730
Passcode: 989545
Fee: This is a no cost event. A love offering is appreciated!
Contact: Leshey Williams, leshey@unityatl.org
Join our Youth and Families Team!
Serving in the Youth and Family Ministry (YFM) at Unity Atlanta Church is awe-inspiring! Children and youth are at a time in their lives where having someone like you to walk alongside them as they journey through life’s ebbs and flows can be life altering. They appreciate someone who will learn their name, listen to their stories, and help them understand that they matter– someone who, at the end of the day, will teach and demonstrate Unity principles. Without doubt, your time and talent shape our Beloved CommUNITY.
Whatever your role, you will make a lasting impact in the lives of the children and youth at Unity Atlanta! If interested email leshey@unityatl.org