Thank you for helping us to spread healing, peace, and hope.
We are making a difference in many lives. As people are changed, the world will also change. Below we offer some simple ways to give your tithe, love offering or supporting gift to our ministry. By doing so, you make it possible for our message to be here for you when you return and for years to come.

Online Donations
Make a secure online donation

@unity-atlanta Pin: 3651


Text the word GIVE
to 877-959-5574

Check or Money Order
Unity Atlanta Church
3597 Parkway Lane
Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30092

Consistent Giving
If you would like to sign-up for our Consistent Giving Program, please contact our office at (770) 441-0585 or email

Kroger Community Donations
Login to your Kroger account or sign up for a Kroger Plus Card. Then, click here to select Unity Atlanta as your charitable organization. You’ll continue earn your regular Kroger rewards but also support us just by using your Plus Card!

Legacy Giving
Leave a legacy to ensure the Unity teachings for years to come. Please remember Unity Atlanta Church in your will.
All it takes is a quick phone call to your attorney or financial planner to add a charitable gift of money, investment property, or life insurance proceeds.
To leave a gift in your will, simply share this sentence with your attorney or financial planner:
“I bequeath $____________ or _______% of my estate to Unity Atlanta Church, 3597 Parkway Lane, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092.”
You can also remember Unity Atlanta Church as a secondary tertiary benefactor (in case the primary benefactor has passed away.
We would love to honor you on a plaque of appreciation or respect your anonymity if you prefer.
For additional information or to make a gift of stock, please contact Pam Johnson at 770-441-0585 x102, or email her at