Master Mind Prayer – Personal

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The purpose of praying the Master Mind prayer is to help you affirm, claim, and embrace your life’s divine plan.

Read each step slowly and with intention.  Pause for several seconds between each step to truly absorb the process and allow the prayer to unfold.

  1. I SURRENDER: I admit that my personal self is powerless to solve my problems, powerless to improve my life. I choose help.
  2. I BELIEVE: I believe that a power greater than myself — the Master Mind, the One Power and One Presence active in the Universe — can change my life.
  3. I AM READY TO BE CHANGED: I realize that erroneous, self-defeating thinking is the cause of my problems, unhappiness, fears, and failures.
  4. I DECIDE TO BE CHANGED: I decide to surrender my will and my life to the Master Mind. I am willing to be deeply changed. I am willing to place my life under the direction of the Master Mind and to remain open to God’s will for my greatest good.
  5. I UNDERSTAND AND I FORGIVE: I understand that self-empowering thoughts and courageous actions heal and prosper me now. So, I forgive myself and all others for all real and imagined mistakes and shortcomings.
  6. I REQUEST: In the awareness of the Master Mind, I request that my heart’s desire is fulfilled now. I state my specific requests, knowing that the Master Mind is fulfilling my needs. My request is: ________________.
  7. I CLAIM: I claim my heart’s desire and affirm: “I am now demonstrating my heart’s desire in my life.”
  8. I GIVE THANKS: I give thanks that the Master Mind is now responding to my requests, and I joyously recognize the feelings of my heart’s desires fulfilled.
  9. I DEDICATE MY LIFE: I now have a covenant in which it is agreed that I am supplied with an abundance of all things necessary to live a successful, joyous, and healthy life. I dedicate myself to be of maximum service to God; to live in a manner that sets the highest example for others to follow; and to remain responsive to God’s guidance.

I now go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement, gratitude, and expectancy.  I am content, and I am at peace. 


Master Mind Prayer for Partner and/or Group

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The purpose of having a Master Mind prayer partner, or being in a Master Mind group, is to support one another in using the power of prayer to affirm, claim, and embrace our life’s divine plan.

Read each step slowly and with intention.  Pause for several seconds between each step to truly absorb the process and to allow the prayer to unfold.

  1. I SURRENDER: I admit that my personal self is powerless to solve my problems, powerless to improve my life. I choose help.
  2. I BELIEVE: I believe that a power greater than myself — the Master Mind, the One Power and One Presence active in the Universe — can change my life.
  3. I AM READY TO BE CHANGED: I realize that erroneous, self-defeating thinking is the cause of my problems, unhappiness, fears, and failures.
  4. I DECIDE TO BE CHANGED: I decide to surrender my will and my life to the Master Mind. I am willing to be deeply changed. I am willing to place my life under the direction of the Master Mind and remain open to God’s will for my greatest good.
  5. I UNDERSTAND AND I FORGIVE: I understand that self-empowering thoughts and courageous actions heal and prosper me now. So, I forgive myself and all others for all real and imagined mistakes and shortcomings.
  6. I REQUEST: In the awareness of the Master Mind, I request that my heart’s desire be fulfilled now. I share my specific requests, asking my partners’ full support in knowing that the Master Mind is fulfilling my needs.

{Each person takes a brief turn speaking their heart’s desire into the circle by saying: “My heart’s desire is ______.”  After the person has stated their heart’s desire, their partner or the rest of the group responds in unison: “Your heart’s desire is now fulfilled.”  When everyone has shared, continue with the rest of the prayer.}

  1. I CLAIM: I claim my heart’s desire and affirm: “I am now demonstrating my heart’s desire in my life.”
  2. I GIVE THANKS: I give thanks that the Master Mind is responding to my requests, and I joyously recognize the feelings of my heart’s desires being fulfilled.
  3. I DEDICATE MY LIFE: I now have a covenant in which it is agreed that I am supplied with an abundance of all things necessary to live a successful, joyous, and healthy life. I dedicate myself to be of maximum service to God; to live in a manner that sets the highest example for others to follow; and to remain responsive to God’s guidance. I now go forth with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement, gratitude, and expectancy. I am content, and I am at peace.  Amen.