Based on the teachings of Rev. Martha Giudici
Dates: Sundays March 9 – April 13
Time: 12:30 – 1:45pm
Location: The Chapel
Are you ready to deepen your prosperity practice? Are you ready to be and feel rich? Do you want to experience healing, better relationships, and more fulfillment in your life?
Then bring your lunch and join Rev. Jenn for a 6-week Brown Bag Workshop as we learn together how to apply the dynamic Why Not Be Rich? practical, spiritual principles into our lives.
This workshop includes prayer, sacred conversation, handouts, and recordings of Rev. Martha Giudici’s original lessons.
Childcare will be provided during the workshop.
If you’re a new Unity Atlanta Church member, want to become a member, or want to enhance your understanding of Unity/New Thought principles, this is the class for you!