Useful Links

We have identified a few helpful links for you

  • Facebook
    Be a part of our Facebook family. Have a spiritual question throughout the week? Ask it here! Find out about our upcoming events and meet others within our family.
  • Unity Worldwide Ministries
    Unity Worldwide Ministries is a worldwide network of ministries, ministers, licensed teachers and individuals providing practical teachings to help people live healthy, prosperous and meaningful lives.
  • (formerly known as The Association of Unity Churches)
    Our world headquarters at Unity Village, Missouri, provides a tranquil atmosphere for quiet meditation and a place for all people, regardless of faith or nationality, to worship. The prayer, publishing, education and retreat ministries allow us to provide people around the world with positive, spiritual messages of hope, healing, prosperity and peace.
    The Unity online radio network is a 24-hour platform for spiritual and New Though discussions. The programs on the network are a powerful voice in providing the consciousness, clarity and common vision necessary to create transformation in the world today. We call i the voice of an awakening world. Tune in today!
  • Silent Unity (1-800-NOW-PRAY)
    Call today for prayer support. The Unity approach to prayer is affirmative, based on positive prayers and affirmations that have universal, interfaith appeal. Silent Unity is available 24/7 ready to offer you free confidential prayer support whenever you want it. 1-800-669-7729 (1-800-NOW-PRAY)
  • Daily Word (via email or postal mail)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Daily Word, published by Unity, offers insight and inspiration to help people of all faiths live healthy, prosperous and meaningful lives.